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Allyson M. Phillips is a partner in the firm and concentrates her practice in land use and zoning, municipal law, environmental law and permitting, real property, general litigation and appellate practice. Allyson has significant experience addressing environmental issues that arise during project siting and regularly appears before state agencies and municipal boards on behalf of clients seeking governmental approvals for private development projects. Allyson is well versed in the nuances of the environmental review process under State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and the New York City Watershed Rules and Regulations. Allyson also represents municipalities in all aspects of municipal law, land use, zoning and environmental law and has served as Special Counsel to several municipalities undertaking large-scale public works projects. Allyson received a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Fordham University and is a 2006 graduate of Albany Law School. While at Albany Law, Allyson served as Associate Editor for the Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology and was a research assistant for the Dean of the Albany Law School Government Law Center, Patricia E. Salkin. Allyson has also published research articles focusing on topics such as land-use law in New York, eminent domain, ethical considerations for government attorneys, and disclosure of agency records in the electronic age.
Bar Admissions
New York, 2007
U.S. District Court, Northern District of New York, 2007
U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, 2017
Albany Law School Union University, Albany, New York, J.D.
Honors: Albany Law School, Government Law Center Award for Service
Law Journal: Albany Law Journal of Science and Technology, Associate Editor, 2005 – 2007
Fordham University, Bronx, New York, B.A.
Political Science Honors: Magna Cum Laude, Interdisciplinary Certificate, Peace and Justice Studies
Lorenzo Di Medici Institute, Florence, Italy
Rennaisance Art/Architecture
Published Works
The Official Map, Zoning Law and Practice Report, Vol. 5 No.6, May/June, 2005
A Portal to Reliable Real Estate Data, or a Door to Nowhere? A Look at How Local Data Dissemination Policies have Impacted the Development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure and the Geospatial One-Stop Portal, Real Estate Law Journal, Summer, 2005
The Friends of the Court: The Role of Amicus Curiae in Kelo v. New London, in Eminent Domain Use and Abuse: Kelo in Context, American Bar Association, May, 2006
Eliminating Political Maneuvering: A Light in the Tunnel for the Government Attorney-Client Privilege, Indiana Law Review, Vol. 39 No. 3, 2006
Professional Associations and Memberships
American Bar Association, Member
New York State Bar Association, Member
Past Employment Positions
Ford Marrin Espisito Witmeyer & Gleser, LLC, Paralegal, 2001 – 2003
New York State, Office of the Attorney General; Real Property Bureau, Legal Intern, 2004
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Legal Intern, 2004
Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Sigma Alpha
Legal Assistant Information
Tracy Poole, 518-438-9907 x. 221